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Pelletier, R., Allaire, C., & Herny, E. (2004, August). Experimental investigation of molten aluminium penetration into ceramic powders [Paper]. Advances in refractories for the metallurgical industries IV : fourth international symposium on advances in refractories for the metallurgical industries, Hamilton, Ontario, Canada. Unavailable
Allaire, C., Innus, A., & Pelletier, R. (2004, August). Interaction of Refractory Thermo-Physical Properties With Molten Al-5% Mg [Paper]. Advances in Refractories for the Metallurgical Industries IV : fourth international symposium on advances in refractories for the metallurgical industries, Hamilton, Ontario, Canada. Unavailable
Pelletier, R., & Allaire, C. (2003). Corrosion of Potlining Refractories: a Comparison Between Different Cell Lining Designs Using a Unified Approach. JOM, 55(11), 58-62. External link
Pelletier, R., & Allaire, C. (2002, March). Degradation of carbon cathodes in aluminium reduction cells [Paper]. 38th symposium on refractories, Chesterfield, Missouri. Unavailable
Pelletier, R., & Allaire, C. (2001, March). Corrosion of potlining refractories: a comparison between different cell lining designs using a unified approach [Paper]. Thirty-seventh Symposium on Refractories, St. Louis, Missouri. Unavailable
Pelletier, R., Allaire, C., Siljan, O. J., & Tabereaux, A. (2001). The Corrosion of Potlining Refractories: a Unified Approach. JOM, 53(8), 18-22. External link
Pelletier, R., Allaire, C., & Gilbert, C. (1995, August). Cathode block heaving in aluminium reduction cells: an update on frost heaving [Paper]. Recent metallurgical advances in light metals industries : international symposium, Vancouver, BC, CAN. Unavailable