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Azkia, H., Boulahia Cuppens, N., Cuppens, F., Coatrieux, G., & Oulmakhzoune, S. (2015). Deployment of a posteriori access control using IHE ATNA. International Journal of Information Security, 14(5), 471-483. External link
Benslimane, D., Barhamgi, M., Cuppens, F., Morvan, F., Defude, B., Nageba, E., Paulus, F., Morucci, S., Mrissa, M., Boulahia Cuppens, N., Ghedira, C., Mokadem, R., Oulmakhzoune, S., & Fayn, J. (2013). PAIRSE: a privacy-preserving service-oriented data integration system. ACM SIGMOD Record, 42(3), 42-47. External link
Barhamgi, M., Benslimane, D., Oulmakhzoune, S., Boulahia Cuppens, N., Cuppens, F., Mrissa, M., & Taktak, H. (2013, June). Secure and Privacy-Preserving Execution Model for Data Services [Paper]. 25th International Conference on Advanced Information Systems Engineering (CAiSE 2013), Valencia, Spain. External link
Essaouini, N., Oulmakhzoune, S., Boulahia Cuppens, N., & Cuppens, F. (2016, December). Toward an off-line analysis of obligation with deadline policies [Paper]. 14th Annual Conference on Privacy, Security and Trust (PST 2016), Auckland, New Zealand. External link
Oulmakhzoune, S., Boulahia Cuppens, N., Cuppens, F., Morucci, S., Barhamgi, M., & Benslimane, D. (2014). Privacy query rewriting algorithm instrumented by a privacy-aware access control model. Annales des télécommunications, 69(1-2), 3-19. External link
Oulmakhzoune, S., Boulahia Cuppens, N., Cuppens, F., & Morucci, S. (2012, August). Privacy Policy Preferences Enforced by SPARQL Query Rewriting [Paper]. 7th International Conference on Availability, Reliability and Security (ARES 2012), Prague, Czech Republic. External link
Oulmakhzoune, S., Boulahia Cuppens, N., Cuppens, F., & Morucci, S. (2010, June). fQuery: SPARQL Query Rewriting to Enforce Data Confidentiality [Paper]. 24th Annual IFIP WG 11.3 Working Conference on Data and Applications Security and Privacy, Rome, Italy. External link
Oulmakhzoune, S., Boulahia Cuppens, N., Cuppens, F., & Morucci, S. (2010, December). Rewriting of SPARQL/Update Queries for Securing Data Access [Paper]. 12th International Conference on Information and Communications Security (ICICS 2010), Barcelona, Spain. External link