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Nouri, S. (2015). Improving the Processability of Polylactide for Film Blowing Application [Ph.D. thesis, École Polytechnique de Montréal]. Available
Nouri, S., Dubois, C., & Lafleur, P. (2015). Effect of chemical and physical branching on rheological behavior of polylactide. Journal of Rheology, 59(4), 1045-1063. External link
Nouri, S., Dubois, C., & Lafleur, P. (2015). Homocrystal and stereocomplex formation behavior of polylactides with different branched structures. Polymer (United Kingdom), 67, 227-239. External link
Nouri, S., Dubois, C., & Lafleur, P. (2015). Synthesis and characterization of polylactides with different branched architectures. Journal of Polymer Science, Part B: Polymer Physics, 53(7), 522-531. External link