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Bourdin, M., Neumann, A., Paviot, T., Pellerin, R., & Lamouri, S. (2024). Exploring the applications of natural language processing and language models for production, planning, and control activities of SMEs in industry 4.0: a systematic literature review. Journal of Intelligent Manufacturing, 21 pages. External link
Neumann, A., Hajji, A., Rekik, M., & Pellerin, R. (2024). Integrated planning and scheduling of engineer-to-order projects using a Lamarckian Layered Genetic Algorithm. International Journal of Production Economics, 267, 109077 (17 pages). External link
Neumann, A., Hajji, A., Rekik, M., & Pellerin, R. (2023). Genetic algorithms for planning and scheduling engineer-to-order production: a systematic review. International Journal of Production Research, 30 pages. External link
Neumann, A., Rekik, M., Morin, M., Hajji, A., & Pellerin, R. (2023, June). Ordonnancement dynamique et contrôle intelligent d'un robot industriel [Paper]. CIGI Qualita MOSIM 2023, Trois-Rivières, Qc, Canada. External link
Neumann, A., Hajji, A., Rekik, M., & Pellerin, R. (2022, June). A Didactic Review On Genetic Algorithms For Industrial Planning And Scheduling Problems [Abstract]. 10th IFAC Triennial Conference on Manufacturing Modelling, Management and Control (MIM 2022), Nantes, France. Published in IFAC PapersOnLine, 55(10). External link
Neumann, A., Hajji, A., Rekik, M., & Pellerin, R. (2022). Integrated planning and scheduling of engineer-to-order projects using a Lamarckian layered genetic algorithm. (Technical Report n° CIRRELT-2022-35). Unavailable
Neumann, A., Hajji, A., Rekik, M., & Pellerin, R. (2022). A model for advanced planning systems dedicated to the Engineer-To-Order context. International Journal of Production Economics, 252, 16 pages. External link
Neumann, A., Hajji, A., Rekik, M., & Pellerin, R. (2022, June). A Two-Level Optimization Approach For Engineer-To-Order Project Scheduling [Abstract]. 10th IFAC Triennial Conference on Manufacturing Modelling, Management and Control (MIM 2022), Nantes, France. Published in IFAC PapersOnLine, 55(10). External link