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Bagheri, M. A., Aubin, C.-É., Nault, M.-L., & Villemure, I. (2024). Finite element analysis of distraction osteogenesis with a new extramedullary internal distractor. Computer Methods in Biomechanics and Biomedical Engineering, 2406367 (15 pages). External link
Kadoury, S., Mandel, W., Roy-Beaudry, M., Nault, M.-L., & Parent, S. (2017). 3D morphology prediction of progressive spinal deformities from probabilistic modeling of discriminant manifolds. IEEE Transactions on Medical Imaging, 36(5), 1194-1204. External link
Nault, M.-L., Achiche, S., Aubin, C.-É., & Labelle, H. (2004, June). Fuzzy logic to assist the planning in adolescent idiopathic scoliosis instmmentation surgery [Paper]. International Conference of the North American Fuzzy Information Processing Society (NAFIPS 2004), Banff, Alberta, Canada. External link
Roy, R. P., Tran, Y., Merle, G., & Nault, M.-L. (2024). Retroarticular drilling for osteochondritis dissecans of the talus: a systematic review. Orthopaedics & Traumatology: Surgery & Research, 103834 (30 pages). External link
Tan, X. W., Joukhadar, N., Leduc, S., Aubin, C.-É., Hupin, M., & Nault, M.-L. (2022). Outcome of retroarticular drilling for osteochondritis dissecans of the talus in a pediatric population. Foot and Ankle Surgery, 28(5), 628-634. External link
Tran, Y., Pelletier-Roy, R., Merle, G., Aubin, C.-É., & Nault, M.-L. (2022). Subchondroplasty in the treatment of bone Marrow lesion in early Knee Osteoarthritis: A systematic review of clinical and radiological outcomes. KNEE, 39, 279-290. External link