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Pouponneau, P., Savadogo, O., Napporn, T., Yahia, L., & Martel, S. (2008, June). Potentiodynamic polarization assays on magnetic materials for new medical micros-devices [Paper]. 7th International Symposium on New Materials for Electrochemical Systems, Montréal, Québec. Unavailable
Kuhn, M., Napporn, T., Meunier, M., Vengallatore, S., & Therriault, D. (2006, May). Microfabrication de piles SOFC à chambre unique par écriture directe [Paper]. 74e Congrès de l'ACFAS, Montréal, Québec. Unavailable
Longtin, G., Harvey, P., Napporn, T., & Savadogo, O. Determination of methanol cross-over through MEA by cyclic voltammetry [Paper]. 5th international symposium on new materials for electrochemical systems. Unavailable
Ovari, A. T., Ciureanu, M., Clime, L., Napporn, T., Béron, F., Ciureanu, P., Veres, T., Cochrane, R., & Yelon, A. (2003, January). Magnetic properties of soft magnetic films and nanowire arrays [Paper]. Carrefour des nanomatériaux, Montréal, Québec. Unavailable
Mokrini, A., Napporn, T., & Savadogo, O. Methanol cross-over of PEM based on sulfonated commercial polyimide polymer [Paper]. 5th international symposium on new materials for electrochemical systems. Unavailable