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Cicoira, F., Santato, C., Melucci, M., Favaretto, L., Gazzano, M., Muccini, M., & Barbarella, G. (2006). Organic light‐emitting transistors based on solution‐cast and vacuum‐sublimed films of a rigid core thiophene oligomer. Advanced Materials, 18(2), 169-174. External link
Cicoira, F., Santato, C., Dinelli, F., Murgia, M., Loi, M. A., Biscarini, F., Zamboni, R., Heremans, P., & Muccini, M. (2005). Morphology and field-effect-transistor mobility in tetracene thin films. Advanced Functional Materials, 15(3), 375-380. External link
Melpignano, P., Sinesi, S., Rotaris, G., Antonipieri, M., Cicoira, F., Loi, M. A., Muccini, M., Zamboni, R., Gale, M. T., Gale, M. T., & Westenhofer, S. (2003, February). Optical coupling of flexible microstructured organic light sources for automotive applications [Paper]. 5th International Topical Conference on Optical Probes of Conjugated Polymers and Organic and Inorganic Nanostructures, Venice, Italy. Published in Synthetic Metals, 139(3). External link
Santato, C., Manunza, I., Bonfiglio, A., Cicoira, F., Cosseddu, P., Zamboni, R., & Muccini, M. (2005). Tetracene light-emitting transistors on flexible plastic substrates. Applied Physics Letters, 86(14), 1-3. External link
Santato, C., Capelli, R., Loi, M. A., Murgia, M., Cicoira, F., Roy, V. A. L., Stallinga, P., Zamboni, R., Rost, C., Karg, S. F., & Muccini, M. (2004). Tetracene-based organic light-emitting transistors: optoelectronic properties and electron injection mechanism. Synthetic Metals, 146(3), 329-334. External link