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Bataineh, A. S., Bentahar, J., Mizouni, R., Abdul Wahab, O., Rjoub, G., & El Barachi, M. (2022). Cloud computing as a platform for monetizing data services: A two-sided game business model. IEEE Transactions on Network and Service Management, 19(2), 1336-1350. External link
Bataineh, A. S., Bentahar, J., Abdul Wahab, O., Mizouni, R., & Rjoub, G. (2020, December). A game-based secure trading of big data and IoT services: blockchain as a two-sided market [Paper]. Service-Oriented Computing, Dubai, United Arab Emirates. Unavailable
Rjoub, G., Bentahar, J., Abdul Wahab, O., Mizouni, R., Song, A., Cohen, R., Otrok, H., & Mourad, A. (2023). A Survey on Explainable Artificial Intelligence for Cybersecurity. IEEE Transactions on Network and Service Management, 20(4), 5115-5140. External link