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D'Elia, N. L., Mathieu, C., Hoemann, C. D., Gravina, A. N., Sartuqui, J., & Messina, P. V. (2016). Study of rMSC viability, morphology and adhesion on different bone mimetic surfaces. Bone, 89, 68-68. External link
Gravina, A. N., D'Elia, N. L., Sartuqui, J., Maghi, K., Yahia, L., & Messina, P. V. (2016). Ce-TiO2 material with promising characteristics for osseointegration: Interaction with fibroblasts and effect of albumin adsorption and bioactivity on 3D surface topography. Bone, 89, 65-65. External link
Gravina, N., Maghni, K., Welman, M., Yahia, L., Mbeh, D. A., & Messina, P. V. (2016). Protective role against hydrogen peroxide and fibroblast stimulation via Ce-doped TiO₂ nanostructured materials. Biochimica Et Biophysica Acta-General Subjects, 1860(2), 452-464. External link