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Thomas, J., Meyneng, T., Tehranchi, A., Grégoire, N., Seletskiy, D., Messaddeq, Y., & Kashyap, R. (2024, January). Recent progress in laser cooling of oxide only phase separated rare earth silica glasses [Presentation]. In SPIE OPTO, 2024, San Francisco, California, United States. External link
Thomas, J., Meyneng, T., Grégoire, N., Monet, F., Tehranchi, A., Seletskiy, D., Messaddeq, Y., & Kashyap, R. (2023, January). Laser-induced cooling of rare earth doped oxide-only silica glass [Presentation]. In SPIE Photonics West 2023, San Francisco, California, United States. External link
Meyneng, T., Thomas, J., Grégoire, N., Messaddeq, Y., & Kashyap, R. (2023, January). Steaming ahead with laser cooling: new perspectives in materials engineering for photonics in all-oxide silica glass [Presentation]. In SPIE Photonics West 2023, San Francisco, California, United States. External link
Thomas, J., Meyneng, T., Tehranchi, A., Gregoire, N., Monet, F., Seletskiy, D., Messaddeq, Y., & Kashyap, R. (2023). Demonstration of laser cooling in a novel all oxide GAYY silica glass. Scientific Reports, 13(1), 11 pages. External link
Hlil, A. R., Boisvert, J.-S., Titi, H. M., Garcia-Puente, Y., Correr, W., Loranger, S., Thomas, J., Riaz, A., Messaddeq, Y., & Kashyap, R. (2023). Effect of Photoinitiators Doped in PDMS for Femtosecond-Laser Writing: Characterization and Outcomes. ACS Omega, 8(36), 32340-32351. External link
Thomas, J., Meyneng, T., Ledemi, Y., Roberge, A., Monet, F., Seletskiy, D., Messaddeq, Y., & Kashyap, R. (2023). Enhancing the optical performance of oxyfluoride glass ceramics by optimizing the oxide: Fluoride ratio and crystallinity for optical refrigeration. Journal of Non-Crystalline Solids: X, 17, 10 pages. Available
Boisvert, J.-S., Hlil, A. R., Messaddeq, Y., & Kashyap, R. (2022, July). Femtosecond written waveguide in photosensitive elastomeric PDMS [Paper]. Bragg Gratings, Photosensitivity and Poling in Glass Waveguides and Materials 2022, Maastricht, Limburg, Netherlands. Published in Optica Advanced Photonics Congress 2022, 24. External link
Thomas, J., Meyneng, T., Tehranchi, A., Manarazan, P., Monet, F., Boisvert, J.-S., Morency, S., Grégoire, N., Seletskiy, D., Messaddeq, Y., & Kashyap, R. (2022, January). Characteristics of Yb-doped silica fibers containing Y2O3 nanoparticles for optical refrigeration [Paper]. Photonic Heat Engines : Science and Applications IV, San Francisco, CA, USA (5 pages). External link
Thomas, J., Meyneng, T., Ledemi, Y., Seletskiy, D., Messaddeq, Y., & Kashyap, R. (2021, October). Impact of purification on the optical properties of oxyfluoride glass ceramics for laser cooling applications [Paper]. 2021 Advanced Solid State Lasers, Washington, DC, USA. External link
Boisvert, J.-S., Hlil, A., Hassan, I., Thomas, J., Lorre, P., Correr, W., Ledemi, Y., Messaddeq, Y., & Kashyap, R. (2020). Photosensitised PDMS for femtosecond laser writing. OSA Continuum, 3(5), 1334-1345. External link
Maia, L. J. Q., Thomas, J., Ledemi, Y., Kummara, V. K., Seletskiy, D., Messaddeq, Y., & Kashyap, R. (2018). Photonic properties of novel Yb³⁺ doped germanium-lead oxyfluoride glass-ceramics for laser cooling applications. Frontiers of Optoelectronics, 11(2), 189-198. External link
Maia, L. J. Q., Thomas, J., Kummara, V. K., Ledemi, Y., Seletskiy, D., Messaddeq, Y., & Kashyap, R. (2018, January). Structural and optical characterizations of Yb³⁺ doped GeO₂-PbF₂-PbO glass-ceramics for optical refrigeration [Paper]. Optical and Electronic Cooling of Solids III, San Francisco, CA (8 pages). External link
Kummara, V. K., Ledemi, Y., Soares De Lima Filho, E., Nemova, G., Messaddeq, Y., & Kashyap, R. (2016). Development of Yb3+-doped oxyfluoride glass-ceramics with low OH−content containing CaF2nanocrystals for optical refrigeration. Optical Engineering, 56(1). External link