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Documents dont l'auteur est "Masson, L."

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Greer, C. W., Godbout, J., Comeau, Y., Masson, L., & Brousseau, R. (mars 1995). Molecular monitoring of xenobiotic-degrading microorganisms, and their activity during bioremediation of contaminated soil [Communication écrite]. Keystone Conference on Environmental Biotechnology, Lake Tahoe, Californie. Publié dans Journal of Cellular Biochemistry, 59(S21A). Lien externe


Maghsoudi, E., Fortin, N., Dorner, S., Prévost, M., Greer, C., Masson, L., & Aboulfadl, K. (novembre 2013). Predicting the biodegradation of multiple cyanotoxins in drinking water sources on the Missisquoi Bay, Canada [Communication écrite]. 2013 Water Quality Technology Conference and Exposition, WQTC 2013, Long Beach, CA, United States. Non disponible

Liste produite: 22 janvier 2025 à 15 h 42.