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Nombre de documents: 5


Groiez, M., Desaulniers, G., Hadjar, A., & Marcotte, O. (2013). Separating valid odd-cycle and odd-set inequalities for the multiple depot vehicle scheduling problem. EURO Journal on Computational Optimization, 1(3-4), 283-312. Lien externe


Hansen, P., Hertz, A., Kilani, R., Marcotte, O., & Schindl, D. (2009). Average distance and maximum induced forest. Journal of Graph Theory, 60(1), 31-54. Lien externe

Hamdouni, M., Desaulniers, G., Marcotte, O., Soumis, F., & Van Putten, M. (2006). Dispatching Buses in a Depot Using Block Patterns. Transportation Science, 40(3), 364-377. Lien externe


Jaumard, B., Marcotte, O., Meyer, C., & Vovor, T. (2001). Comparison of Column Generation Models for Channel Assignment in Cellular Networks. Discrete Applied Mathematics, 112(1-3), 217-240. Lien externe


Lapointe, M., Blondin Massé, A., Galinier, P., Lord, M., & Marcotte, O. (novembre 2012). Enumerating minimum feedback vertex sets in directed graphs [Communication écrite]. Bordeaux Graph Workshop, Bordeaux, France. Lien externe

Liste produite: Wed Jan 1 03:48:30 2025 EST.