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Chisham, J. E., Andrews, M. P., Li, C.-Y., Najafi, S. I., & Malek-Tabrizi, A. Gratings fabrication by ultraviolet light imprinting and embossing in a sol-gel silica glas [Paper]. Functional Photonic and Fiber Devices. External link
Coudray, P., Chisham, J., Malek-Tabrizi, A., Li, C.-Y., Andrews, M. P., Peyghambarian, N., & Najafi, S. I. (1996). Ultraviolet light imprinted sol-gel silica glass waveguide devices on silicon. Optics Communications, 128(1-3), 19-22. External link
Coudray, P., Chisham, J. E., Malek-Tabrizi, A., Li, C.-Y., Andrews, M. P., & Najafi, S. I. (1996, January). UV-light-imprinted sol-gel silica glass waveguide 1x8 beam splitter on silicon [Paper]. Functional Photonic and Fiber Devices, San Jose, CA, USA. External link
Fardad, A., Andrews, M., Milova, G., Malek-Tabrizi, A., & Najafi, S. I. (1998). Fabrication of Ridge Waveguides: a New Solgel Route. Applied Optics, 37(12), 2429-2434. External link
Malek-Tabrizi, A., Najafi, S. I., & Martinu, L. (1996, January). Glass integrated optics symmetric and nonsymmetric Mach-Zehnder interferometer sensors [Paper]. Functional Photonic and Fiber Devices, San Jose, CA, USA. External link
Najafi, S. I., Li, C.-Y., Chisham, J. E., Andrews, M. P., Coudray, P., Malek-Tabrizi, A., & Peyghambarian, N. (1996, January). Ultraviolet-light-imprinted sol-gel silica glass channel waveguides on silicon [Paper]. Functional Photonic and Fiber Devices, San Jose, CA, USA. External link