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Documents dont l'auteur est "Malandra, Filippo"

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Nombre de documents: 14

Article de revue

Malandra, F., Mellah, H., Firouzabadi, A. D., Wette, C., & Sanso, B. (2023). A Layered and Grid-Based Methodology to Characterize and Simulate IoT Traffic on Advanced Cellular Networks. IEEE Internet of Things Magazine, 6(1), 134-140. Lien externe

Seyedi, Y., Karimi, H., Malandra, F., Sanso, B., & Mahseredjian, J. (2020). Coordinated Control of Distributed Energy Resources Using Features of Voltage Disturbances. IEEE Transactions on Industrial Informatics, 16(6), 3895-3904. Lien externe

Manzanilla Salazar, O. G., Malandra, F., Mellah, H., Wetté, C., & Sanso, B. (2020). A Machine Learning Framework for Sleeping Cell Detection in a Smart-City IoT Telecommunications Infrastructure. IEEE Access, 8, 61213-61225. Lien externe

Malandra, F., & Sanso, B. (2018). A Markov-Modulated End-to-End Delay Analysis of Large-Scale RF Mesh Networks With Time-Slotted ALOHA and FHSS for Smart Grid Applications. IEEE Transactions on Wireless Communications, 17(11), 7116-7127. Lien externe

Malandra, F., & Sanso, B. (2018). Performance evaluation of large-scale RF-mesh networks in a smart city context. Mobile Networks and Applications, 23(4), 912-920. Lien externe

Capone, A., Malandra, F., & Sanso, B. (2012). Energy Savings in Wireless Mesh Networks in a Time-Variable Context. Mobile Networks & Applications, 17(2), 298-311. Lien externe

Communication écrite

Manzanilla Salazar, O. G., Mellah, H., Malandra, F., & Sanso, B. (septembre 2021). An algorithm for threading assignment in large-scale wireless network mobile simulations [Communication écrite]. 25th IEEE/ACM International Symposium on Distributed Simulation and Real Time Application (DS-RT 2021), Valencia, Spain (10 pages). Lien externe

Manzanilla Salazar, O. G., Malandra, F., & Sanso, B. (mars 2019). eNodeB Failure Detection from Aggregated Performance KPIs in Smart-city LTE Infrastructures [Communication écrite]. 15th International Conference on the Design of Reliable Communication Networks (DRCN 2019), Coimbra, Portugal. Lien externe

Malandra, F., Pourramezan, R., Karimi, H., & Sanso, B. (septembre 2018). Impact of PMU and smart meter applications on the performance of LTE-based smart city communications [Communication écrite]. IEEE 29th Annual International Symposium on Personal, Indoor and Mobile Radio Communications (PIMRC), Bologna, Italy (6 pages). Lien externe

Malandra, F., Potvin, P., Rochefort, S., & Sanso, B. (octobre 2017). A case study for M2M traffic characterization in a smart city environment [Communication écrite]. 1st International Conference on Internet of Things and Machine Learning (IML 2017), Liverpool, UK (9 pages). Lien externe

Malandra, F., & Sanso, B. (octobre 2017). Performance analysis of large scale RF-mesh networks for smart cities and IoT [Communication écrite]. IEEE International Conference on Smart Grid Communications (SmartGridComm 2017), Dresden, Germany. Lien externe

Malandra, F., & Sanso, B. (juillet 2017). A Simulation Tool for the Performance Evaluation of Large-scale RF-Mesh Networks for Smart Grid and IoT Applications [Communication écrite]. 1st EAI International Conference on Smart Grid Assisted Internet of Things (SGIOT 2017), Sault Ste. Marie, ON, Canada (10 pages). Lien externe

Malandra, F., & Sanso, B. (février 2015). Analytical performance analysis of a large-scale RF-mesh smart meter communication system [Communication écrite]. IEEE Power and Energy Society Innovative Smart Grid Technologies Conference (ISGT 2015), Washington, DC, United states. Lien externe

Thèse de doctorat

Malandra, F. (2016). A Framework for the Performance Analysis and Simulation of RF-Mesh Advanced Metering Infrastructures for Smart Grid Applications [Thèse de doctorat, École Polytechnique de Montréal]. Disponible

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