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Beausoleil-Morrison, I., Macdonald, F., Kummert, M., McDowell, T., & Jost, R. (2014). Co-simulation between ESP-r and TRNSYS. Journal of Building Performance Simulation, 7(2), 133-151. External link
Beausoleil-Morrison, I., Macdonald, F., Kummert, M., Jost, R., & McDowell, T. (2013, August). Co-simulation between ESP-r and TRNSYS: More highly resolved modelling of integrated building and energy systems [Paper]. BS 2013. 13th Conference of the International Building Performance Simulation Association, Chambery, France. External link
Beausoleil-Morrison, I., Kummert, M., Macdonald, F., Jost, R., McDowell, T., & Ferguson, A. (2012, July). Demonstration of the new ESP-r and TRNSYS co-simulator for modelling solar buildings [Paper]. 1st International Conference on Solar Heating and Cooling for Buildings and Industry (SHC 2012), San Francisco, California. Published in Energy Procedia, 30. Available
Beausoleil-Morrison, I., Macdonald, F., Kummert, M., Mcdowell, T., Jost, R., & Ferguson, A. (2011, November). The design of an ESP-r and TRNSYS co-simulator [Paper]. Building Simulation 2011 : 12th Conference of International Building Performance Simulation Association, Sydney, Australie. External link
Macdonald, F., D'Avignon, K., Kummert, M., & Daoud, A. (2014, December). A TRNSYS-LabVIEW bi-directional connection for HVAC equipment testing using hardware-in-the-loop simulation [Paper]. 9th International Conference on System Simulation in Buildings (SSB 2014), Liège, BEL. External link