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Lalande, É., Davenport, A., Marchand, L., Markosyan, A., Martı́nez, D., Paolone, A., Rezac, M., Bazzan, M., Chicoine, M., Colaux, J. L., Coulon, M., Fejer, M. M., Lussier, A. W., Majorana, E., Martinu, L., Menoni, C., Michel, C., Ricci, F., Schiettekatte, F., ... Vajente, G. (2024). Ar transport and blister growth kinetics in titania-doped germania-based optical coatings. Classical and Quantum Gravity, 41(11), 115013 (31 pages). Available
Lussier, A. W., Lalande, É., Chicoine, M., Lévesque, C., Roorda, S., Baloukas, B., Martinu, L., Vajente, G., Ananyeva, A., & Schiettekatte, F. (2021, October). Hydrogen concentration and mechanical dissipation upon annealing in zirconia-doped tantala thin films for gravitational wave observatory mirrors [Paper]. 25th International Conference on Ion Beam Analysis and 17th International Conference on Particle Induce X-Ray Emission (IBA-PIXE 2021) and 23rd International Conference on Secondary Ion Mass Spectrometry (SIMS 2021) (7 pages). Published in Journal of Physics, 2326. Available
Lalande, É., Lussier, A. W., Lévesque, C., Ward, M., Baloukas, B., Martinu, L., Vajente, G., Billingsley, G., Ananyeva, A., Bassiri, R., Fejer, M. M., & Schiettekatte, F. (2021). Zirconia-titania-doped tantala optical coatings for low mechanical loss Bragg mirrors. Journal of Vacuum Science & Technology A, 39(4), 8 pages. External link