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Herranz, E., Louapre, C., Treaba, C. A., Govindarajan, S. T., Ouellette, R., Mangeat, G., Loggia, M. L., Cohen-Adad, J., Klawiter, E. C., Sloane, J. A., & Mainero, C. (2020). Profiles of cortical inflammation in multiple sclerosis by ¹¹C-PBR28 MR-PET and 7 Tesla imaging. Multiple Sclerosis Journal, 26(12), 1497-1509. External link
Mangeat, G., Badji, A., Ouellette, R., Treaba, C. A., Herranz, E., Granberg, T., Louapre, C., Stikov, N., Sloane, J. A., Bellec, P., Mainero, C., & Cohen-Adad, J. (2018). Changes in structural network are associated with cortical demyelination in early multiple sclerosis. Human Brain Mapping, 39(5), 2133-2146. External link
Herranz, E., Giannì, C., Louapre, C., Treaba, C. A., Govindarajan, S. T., Ouellette, R., Loggia, M., Sloane, J., Madigan, N., Izquierdo-Garcia, D., Ward, N., Mangeat, G., Granberg, T., Klawiter, E., Catana, C., Hooker, J., Taylor, N., Ionete, C., Kinkel, R., & Mainero, C. (2017). Neuroinflammatory component of gray matter pathology in multiple sclerosis: a combined 7T and 11C-PBR28 MR-PET imaging study (P4. 371). Neurology, 88(16 Supplem). External link
Badji, A., Mangeat, G., Ouellette, R., Treaba, C. A., Granberg, T., Herranz, E., Louapre, C., Stikov, N., Sloane, J., Bellec, P., Mainero, C., & Cohen-Adad, J. (2017, April). Changes in structural network connectivity in early-stage multiple sclerosis are associated with cortical demyelination [Paper]. ISMRM 25th annual meeting & Exhibition, Honolulu, Hawai. External link
Mangeat, G., Ouellette, R., Treaba, C. A., Granberg, T., Louapre, C., Stikov, N., Sloane, J. A., Klawiter, E., Mainero, C., & Cohen-Adad, J. (2016, May). Association between cortical demyelination and structural connectomics in early multiple sclerosis [Presentation]. In ISMR 24th annual Meeting and Exhibition, Singapore. External link