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Herranz E, T., Treaba, C. A., Louapre, C., Govindarajan, S. T., Ouellette, R., Mangeat, G., Loggia, M. L., Sloane, J. A., & Mainero, C. (2018, October). The contribution of microglial activation to cortical demyelination in multiple sclerosis: a multimodal C-11-PBR28 MR-PET and quantitative 7 Tesla imaging study [Poster]. 34th Congress of the European-Committee-for-Treatment-and-Research-in-Multiple-Sclerosis (ECTRIMS 2018), Berlin, Germany. Published in Multiple Sclerosis Journal, 24(2). External link
Herranz, E., Gianni, C., Louapre, C., Mangeat, G., Loggia, M., Treaba, C. A., Govindarajan, S. T., Ward, N., Sloane, J. A., Klawiter, E. C., Ouellette, R., Catana, C., Hooker, J. M., Kinkel, R. P., & Mainero, C. (2015). C-11-PBR28 MR-PET imaging detects in vivo diffuse inflammation in cortex, deep gray and normal appearing white matter associated with neurodegeneration and clinical disability. Multiple Sclerosis Journal, 21(11_suppl), 29-30. External link
Louapre, C., Govindarajan, S. T., Gianni, C., Cohen-Adad, J., Kinkel, R. P., & Mainero, C. (2014, September). Exploring the link between resting-state functional connectivity in the default mode network and subpial pathology in MS using multimodal 7 Tesla MRI [Paper]. ACTRIMS-ECTRIMS conference (MS Boston 2014), Boston, Mass.. Unavailable
Mangeat, G., Louapre, C., Herranz, E., Treaba, C. A., Ouellette, R., Sloane, J. A., Klawiter, E. C., Cohen-Adad, J., & Mainero, C. (2015). Multivariate combination of quantitative T-2* and T-1 at 7T MRI detects in vivo subpial demyelination in the early stages of MS. Multiple Sclerosis Journal, 21(11_suppl), 485-485. External link
Mangeat, G., Louapre, C., Herranz, E. T., Reaba, C., Ouellette, R., Sloane, J. A., Klawiter, E. C., Cohen-Adad, J., & Mainero, C. (2015, October). Multivariate combination of quantitative T2* and T1 at 7T MRI detects in vivo subpial demyelination in the early stages of MS [Paper]. 31st Congress of the European Committee for Treatment and Research in Multiple Sclerosis (ECTRIMS 2015), Barcelona, Spain. Unavailable