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Documents dont l'auteur est "Ljungberg, Emil"

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Nombre de documents: 4


Lee, L. E., Ljungberg, E., Shin, D., Figley, C. R., Vavasour, I. M., Rauscher, A., Cohen-Adad, J., Li, D. K. B., Traboulsee, A. L., MacKay, A. L., Lee, J., & Kolind, S. H. (2018). Inter-vendor reproducibility of myelin water imaging using a 3D gradient and spin echo sequence. Frontiers in Neuroscience, 12, 854 (8 pages). Disponible

Ljungberg, E., Cohen-Adad, J., Eunyoung Lee, L., Rauscher, A., Li, D., Traboulsee, A., Mackay, A., Figley, C., Lee, J., & Kolind, S. (avril 2017). Making Myelin Water Imaging Mainstream: Multi-site and Multi-vendor Reproducibility [Communication écrite]. ISMRM 25th annual meeting & Exhibition, Honolulu, Hawai. Lien externe


Porisky, A., Brosch, T., Ljungberg, E., Tang, L. Y. W., Yoo, Y., De Leener, B., Traboulsee, A., Cohen-Adad, J., & Tam, R. (septembre 2017). Grey matter segmentation in spinal cord mris via 3D convolutional encoder networks with shortcut connections [Communication écrite]. 3rd International Workshop on Deep Learning in Medical Image Analysis (DLMIA 2017) and 7th International Workshop on Multimodal Learning for Clinical Decision Support (ML-CDS 2017) held in Conjunction with 20th International Conference on Medical Image Co, Québec City, QC, Canada. Lien externe

Prados, F., Ashburner, J., Blaiotta, C., Brosch, T., Carballido-Gamio, J., Cardoso, M. J., Conrad, B. N., Datta, E., David, G., De Leener, B., Dupont, S. M., Freund, P., Wheeler-Kingshott, C. A. M. G., Grussu, F., Henry, R., Landman, B. A., Ljungberg, E., Lyttle, B., Ourselin, S., ... Cohen-Adad, J. (2017). Spinal cord grey matter segmentation challenge. NeuroImage, 152, 312-329. Disponible

Liste produite: Wed Jan 1 04:37:24 2025 EST.