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Beaudette, K., Li, J., Lamarre, J., Majeau, L., & Boudoux, C. (2022). Double-Clad Fiber-Based Multifunctional Biosensors and Multimodal Bioimaging Systems: Technology and Applications. Biosensors-Basel, 12(2), 90 (18 pages). External link
Li, J., McLaughlin, R. A., Quirk, B. C., Delhove, J., Kirk, R. W., McCarron, A., Cmielewski, P., Boudoux, C., Parsons, D., & Donnelley, M. (2019, September). Imaging Genetically-Modified Cells with a Miniaturised Multimodal Optical Coherence Tomography + Fluorescence Probe [Paper]. IEEE Photonics Conference (IPC 2019), San Antonio, TX, United states (2 pages). External link