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Li, H., Fourmigue, A., Le Beux, S., O'Connor, I., & Nicolescu, G. (mars 2016). A thermal-Aware Laser Tuning Approach for Silicon Photonic Interconnects [Communication écrite]. 2nd International Workshop on Optical/Photonic Interconnects for Computing Systems (OPTICS Workshop 2016), Dresden, Germany. Non disponible
Li, H., Fourmigue, A., Le Beux, S., O'Connor, I., & Nicolescu, G. (2016). Towards Maximum Energy Efficiency in Nanophotonic Interconnects with Thermal-Aware On-Chip Laser Tuning. IEEE Transactions on Emerging Topics in Computing, 6(3), 343-356. Lien externe
Le Beux, S., Li, H., O'Connor, I., Cheshmi, K., Liu, X., Trajkovic, J., & Nicolescu, G. (mars 2014). Chameleon: Channel efficient optical network-on-chip [Communication écrite]. 17th Design, Automation and Test in Europe (DATE 2014), Dresden, Germany. Lien externe
Le Beux, S., Li, H., Nicolescu, G., Trajkovic, J., & O'Connor, I. (2014). Optical crossbars on chip, a comparative study based on worst-case losses. Concurrency Computation Practice and Experience, 26(15), 2492-2503. Lien externe
Le Beux, S., Li, H., Nicolescu, G., & O'Connor, I. (mai 2014). A reconfigurable optical network on chip for streaming applications [Communication écrite]. 9th International Symposium on Reconfigurable and Communication-Centric Systems-on-Chip (ReCoSoC 2014), Montpellier, France (2 pages). Lien externe
Li, H., Liu, X., Legros, R., Bi, X. T., Lim, C. J., & Sokhansanj, S. (2012). Pelletization of Torrefied Sawdust and Properties of Torrefied Pellets. Applied Energy, 93, 680-685. Lien externe
Li, H., Liu, X., Legros, R., Bi, X. T., Lim, C. J., & Sokhansanj, S. (2012). Torrefaction of Sawdust in a Fluidized Bed Reactor. Bioresource Technology, 103(1), 453-458. Lien externe
Wang, Y., Aouina, A., Li, H., O' Connor, I., Nicolescu, G., & Le Beux, S. (2019). Thermal-Aware Design Method for Laser Group Control in Nanophotonic Interconnects. IEEE Transactions on Very Large Scale Integration (VLSI) Systems, 27(3), 742-746. Lien externe
Wang, C., Peng, J., Li, H., Bi, X. T., Legros, R., Lim, C. J., & Sokhansanj, S. (2013). Oxidative torrefaction of biomass residues and densification of torrefied sawdust to pellets. Bioresource Technology, 127, 318-325. Lien externe