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Baudron, P., Cockenpot, S., Lopez-Castejon, F., Radakovitch, O., Gilabert, J., Mayer, A., Garcia-Arostegui, J. L., Martinez-Vicente, D., Leduc, C., & Claude, C. (2015). Combining radon, short-lived radium isotopes and hydrodynamic modeling to assess submarine groundwater discharge from an anthropized semiarid watershed to a Mediterranean lagoon (Mar Menor, SE Spain). Journal of Hydrology, 525, 55-71. Lien externe
Baudron, P., Barbecot, F., Garcia Arostegui, J. L., Leduc, C., Travi, Y., & Martinez-Vicente, D. (2014). Impacts of human activities on recharge in a multilayered semiarid aquifer (Campo de Cartagena, SE Spain). Hydrological Processes, 28(4), 2223-2236. Lien externe
Baudron, P., Barbecot, F., Gillon, M., García Aróstegui, J. L., Travi, Y., Leduc, C., Gomariz Castillo, F., & Martinez-Vicente, D. (2013). Assessing Groundwater Residence Time in a Highly Anthropized Unconfined Aquifer Using Bomb Peak 14C and Reconstructed Irrigation Water 3H. Radiocarbon, 55(2-3), 933-1006. Lien externe
Baudron, P., El Mandour, A., Garcia Arostegui, J. L., Barbecot, F., Gillon, M., Leduc, C., Luigi Pinti, D., & Taddei, D. (septembre 2016). Evolution of water quality and water balance in coastal mediterranean aquifers- a case study in northern Morocco [Communication écrite]. 43rd IAH Congress, Montpellier, France. Non disponible
Baudron, P., Arosteguy, J. L. G., Gilabert, J., Lopez-Castejon, F., Cockenpot, S., Radakovitch, O., Leduc, C., Mayer, A., & Claude, C. (mars 2016). Groundwater discharge to coastal lagoons: Quantifying “invisible” but crucial water fluxes [Communication écrite]. 7th European Coastal Lagoons Symposium (EuroLag 2016), Murcia, Spain. Non disponible
Baudron, P., Elmandour, A., Barbecot, F., Gillon, M., Leduc, C., Pinti, D. L., Taddei, D., El Amrani, N., Garcia-Aróstegui, J.-L., & Goyer, J. (mai 2015). Assessment of recharge to the coastal Bou-Areg aquifer (Morocco) using environmental tracers [Communication écrite]. AGU-GAC-MAC-CGU Joint Assembly 2015, Montréal, Québec. Non disponible
López-Castejón, F., Baudron, P., Gilbert, J., Cockenpot, S., Mayer, A., Radakovitch, O., Garcia-Aróstegui, J. L., Leduc, C., & Claude, C. (septembre 2015). Identification of submarine fresh water discharge by towed sensors (Radon and Nitrates) and hydrodynamic model, the Mar Menor example [Communication écrite]. 6th International Workshop on Marine Technology (Martech 2015), Cartagena, Spain. Lien externe
Castejón, F. L., Baudron, P., Gilabert, J., Cockenpot, S., Mayer, A., Radakovitch, O., García Aróstegui, J. L., Leduc, C., & Claude, C. (mai 2015). Submarine groundwater discharge of artificial releases? Investigating the origin of 222Rn and NO3 in a coastal lagoon connected to a highly anthropized aquifer [Communication écrite]. AGU-GAC-MAC-CGU Joint Assembly 2015, Montréal, Québec. Non disponible
López Castejón, F., Baudron, P., Gilabert, J., Cockenpot, S., Mayer, A., Radakovitch, O., García Aróstegui, J. L., Leduc, C., & Claude, C. (septembre 2015). Towed sensors and hydrodynamic model evidence the need to include submarine in coastal lagoons water balance, the Mar Menor example (SE Spain) [Communication écrite]. 6th International Workshop on Marine Technology (Martech 2015), Cartagena. Publié dans Instrumentation viewpoint, (18). Lien externe
Baudron, P., Garcia-Arostegui, J. L., Barbecot, F., Martinez-Vicente, D., Travi, Y., Leduc, C., & Noret, A. (janvier 2012). Multi-isotopic approach to assess groundwater flow pattern in a stressed multi-layer coastal aquifer (Campo de Cartagena, Southeastern Spain) [Communication écrite]. 4e Congrès International sur les Technologies d'intrusion d'eau de mer dans les aquifères côtiers (TIAC 2012), Alicante, Spain. Non disponible