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Maier, O., Menze, B. H., der Gablentz, J. , Häni, L., Heinrich, M. P., Liebrand, M., Winzeck, S., Basit, A., Bentley, P., Chen, L., Christiaens, D., Dutil, F., Egger, K., Feng, C., Glocker, B., Götz, M., Haeck, T., Halme, H.-L., Havaei, M., ... Reyes, M. (2015, October). ISLES 2015 - A public evaluation benchmark for ischemic stroke lesion segmentation from multispectral MRI [Paper]. Ischemic Stroke Lesion Segmentation (ISLES) challenge organized in conjunction with the MICCAI 2015 conference, Munich, Germany. Published in Medical Image Analysis, 35. External link
Shi, W., Lombaert, H., Bai, W., Ledig, C., Zhuang, X., Marvao, A., Dawes, T., O’Regan, D., & Rueckert, D. (2014, September). Multi-atlas Spectral PatchMatch: Application to Cardiac Image Segmentation [Paper]. 17th International Conference on Medical Image Computing and Computer-Assisted Intervention (MICCAI 2014), Boston, MA, USA. External link