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Le Gentil, T. (2023). Méthodologie d'analyse de performance multi-critère pour outiller la prise de décision sur la fabrication additive de pièce en PA (polyamide) renforcé par fibres de carbone [Ph.D. thesis, Polytechnique Montréal]. Restricted access
Le Gentil, T., Therriault, D., & Kerbrat, O. (2023). A comprehensive methodology to support decision-making for additive manufacturing of short carbon-fiber reinforced polyamide 12 from energy, cost and mechanical perspectives. International Journal of Advanced Manufacturing Technology, 12 pages. External link
Le Gentil, T., Langot, J., Therriault, D., & Kerbrat, O. (2023, May). Identifying efficient solutions for additive manufacturing of short carbon-fiber reinforced polyamide 6 from energy and mechanical perspectives [Paper]. 30th CIRP Life Cycle Engineering Conference, New Brunswick, NJ. Published in Procedia CIRP, 116. Available
Le Gentil, T., Therriault, D., & Kerbrat, O. (2022, June). Energy efficiency-oriented decision-making for additive manufacturing with carbon-fibre-reinforced polyamide 12 [Paper]. 20th European Conference on Composite Materials: Composites Meet Sustainability (ECCM 2022), Lausanne, Switzerland. External link