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This graph maps the connections between all the collaborators of {}'s publications listed on this page.
Each link represents a collaboration on the same publication. The thickness of the link represents the number of collaborations.
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Beaudry, C., & Larivière, V. (2014, June). Impact of research funding and scientific production on scientific impact: Are Québec academic women really lagging behind? [Paper]. EU-SPRI Conference on Science and Innovation Policy: Dynamics, Challenges, Responsibility and Practice, Manchester, United-Kingdom (40 pages). External link
Beaudry, C., Martin, A., Malacuso, B., & Larivière, V. (2014). Mesure de l'état des connaissances à l'aide de méthodes bibliométriques utilisant les articles scientifiques et les brevets, et mesure de la fertilisation croisée entre la recherche spatiale et terrestre à l'aide des citations. (Technical Report). Unavailable
Beaudry, C., Martin, A., Macaluso, B., & Larivière, V. (2014). Réseaux de collaborations et de cocitations et les ramifications dans les secteurs terrestres. (Technical Report). Unavailable
Ghiasi, G., Larivière, V., & Beaudry, C. (2017, September). Women in the shadow of Big Men : the case of Canada Excellence Research Chairs [Paper]. Science, Technology and Innovation Indicators Conference (STI 2017), Paris, France. Unavailable