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Cabana, J.-F., Gilbert, G., Stikov, N., Cohen-Adad, J., Létourneau-Guillon, L., & Nguyen, D. (2017, April). Exploring complementarity in multi-modal imaging of cortex microstructure: a diffusion and relaxometry study [Paper]. ISMRM 25th annual meeting & Exhibition, Honolulu, Hawai. External link
Shakeri, M., Datta, A. N., Malfait, D., Oser, N., Létourneau-Guillon, L., Major, P., Srour, M., Tucholka, A., Kadoury, S., & Lippé, S. (2017). Sub-cortical brain morphometry and its relationship with cognition in rolandic epilepsy. Epilepsy Research, 138(Supplement), 39-45. External link
Shakeri, M., Lombaert, H., Datta, A. N., Oser, N., Létourneau-Guillon, L., Lapointe, L. V., Martin, F., Malfait, D., Tucholka, A., Lippé, S., & Kadoury, S. (2016). Statistical shape analysis of subcortical structures using spectral matching. Computerized Medical Imaging and Graphics, 52, 58-71. External link