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Documents dont l'auteur est "Komljenovic, Dragan"

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Nombre de documents: 2

Communication écrite

Klim, Z. H., Balazinski, M., & Komljenovic, D. (mai 2011). Probabilistic approach limitations in the analysis of safety critical systems [Communication écrite]. 24th International Congress on Condition Monitoring and Diagnostics Engineering Management, Stavanger, Norway. Lien externe

Chapitre de livre

Morissette, M., Komljenović, D., Robert, B., Gravel, J.-F., Benoit, N., Lebeau, S., Fortin, W., Yaacoub, S.-J., Leduc, P., Rioux, P.-J., Lamour, B., Michaud, D., Valiquette, D., Meango, J.-M., Côté, A., Loiselle, G., & Moisan, É. (2024). Combining Asset Integrity Management and Resilience in Coping with Extreme Climate Events in Electrical Power Grids. Dans Salama, M. M., Komljenovic, D., & Riznic, J. R. (édit.), Asset Integrity Management of Critical Infrastructure (p. 52-65). Lien externe

Liste produite: Mon Jan 6 03:43:47 2025 EST.