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Alifanti, M., Auer, R., Kirchnerová, J., Thyrion, F., Grange, P., & Delmon, B. (2003). Activity in Methane Combustion and Sensitivity to Sulfur Poisoning of La₁₋ₓCeₓMn₁₋yCoyO₃ Perovskite Oxides. Applied Catalysis. B, Environmental, 41(1-2), 71-81. External link
Alifanti, M., Kirchnerová, J., & Delmon, B. (2003). Effect of Substitution by Cerium on the Activity of LaMnO₃ Perovskite in Methane Combustion. Applied Catalysis. A, General, 245(2), 231-243. External link
Klvana, D., Kirchnerová, J., & Tofan, C. (1999). Catalytic Decomposition of Nitric Oxide by Perovskites. Korean Journal of Chemical Engineering, 16(4), 470-477. External link
Klvana, D., Kirchnerová, J., Chaouki, J., Delval, J., & Yaïci, W. (1999). Fiber-Supported Perovskites for Catalytic Combustion of Natural Gas. Catalysis Today, 47(1-4), 115-121. External link
Kirchnerová, J. (1999). Materials for Catalytic Gas Combustion. Korean Journal of Chemical Engineering, 16(4), 427-433. External link
Kirchnerová, J., & Klvana, D. (1999). Synthesis and Characterization of Perovskite Catalysts. Solid State Ionics, 123(1-4), 307-317. External link