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Chentouf, Z., Cherkaoui, S., & Khoumsi, A. (2003, September). New Management Methods for Feature and Preference Interactions [Paper]. 6th IFIP/IEEE International Conference (MMNS 2003), Belfast, Northern Ireland. External link
Chentouf, Z., Khoumsi, A., & Cherkaoui, S. (2002, May). Détection hors-ligne d'interactions de services dans les réseaux hétérogènes de télécommunications [Paper]. Colloque francophone sur l'ingénierie des protocoles (CFIP 2002), Montréal, Qc, Canada. Unavailable
Cherkaoui, S., & Khoumsi, A. (2002, June). Mobile and static agents for service interactions resolution in telecommunication environments [Paper]. 9th IEEE International Conference on Telecommunications (ICT 2002), Beijing, China. Unavailable
Cherkaoui, S., & Khoumsi, A. (2001, August). Active networks: mobile agents as an enabling technology [Paper]. International Symposium on the Convergence of IT and Communications (ITCOM 2001), Denver, CO, USA (7 pages). External link
Cherkaoui, S., & Khoumsi, A. (2001, August). A mixed architecture of software agents for resolving feature interactions [Paper]. International Conference on Software Engineering and Applications (SEA 2001), Anaheim, California. Unavailable
Khoumsi, A., & Cherkaoui, S. (2004, March). Design and analysis of two approaches for resolving feature interactions [Paper]. IADIS International Conference on Applied Computing, Lisbon, Portugal. Unavailable
Khoumsi, A., & Cherkaoui, S. (2023, August). Use of agents for resolving feature interactions [Paper]. 3rd International Workshop (MATA 2001), Montréal, Québec. External link
Khoumsi, A., Akalay, M., Dssouli, R., En-Nouaary, A., & Granger, L. (2000). An Approach for Testing Real Time Protocol Entities. In Testing of Communicating Systems (Vol. 48, pp. 281-299). External link