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Achouri, K., Khan, B. A., Gupta, S., Lavigne, G., Salem, M. A., & Caloz, C. (2016). Synthesis of electromagnetic metasurfaces: principles and illustrations. EPJ Applied Metamaterials, 2. Available
Achourim, K., Khan, B. A., Caloz, C., Asadchy, V., & Tretyakov, S. (2016, June). Synthesis of a nongyrotropic nonreciprocal metasurface as an equivalent to a moving medium [Paper]. IEEE International Symposium on Antennas and Propagation (APSURSI 2016), Fajarjo, Puerto Rico. External link
Gupta, S., Khan, B. A., & Caloz, C. (2015, May). Forward/backward coupled ring based phasers for real-time signal processing [Paper]. 9th European Conference on Antennas and Propagation (EuCAP 2015), Lisbon, Portugal. Unavailable
Khan, B. A., Gupta, S., & Caloz, C. (2015, November). Spatial nonreciprocal and nongyrotropic structure [Paper]. International Symposium on Antennas and Propagation (ISAP 2015), Hobart, TAS (4 pages). External link
Zhang, Q., Guo, T., Khan, B. A., Kodera, T., & Caloz, C. (2015). Coupling Matrix Synthesis of Nonreciprocal Lossless Two-Port Networks Using Gyrators and Inverters. IEEE Transactions on Microwave Theory and Techniques, 63(9), 2782-2792. External link