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This graph maps the connections between all the collaborators of {}'s publications listed on this page.
Each link represents a collaboration on the same publication. The thickness of the link represents the number of collaborations.
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A word cloud is a visual representation of the most frequently used words in a text or a set of texts. The words appear in different sizes, with the size of each word being proportional to its frequency of occurrence in the text. The more frequently a word is used, the larger it appears in the word cloud. This technique allows for a quick visualization of the most important themes and concepts in a text.
In the context of this page, the word cloud was generated from the publications of the author {}. The words in this cloud come from the titles, abstracts, and keywords of the author's articles and research papers. By analyzing this word cloud, you can get an overview of the most recurring and significant topics and research areas in the author's work.
The word cloud is a useful tool for identifying trends and main themes in a corpus of texts, thus facilitating the understanding and analysis of content in a visual and intuitive way.
Badji, A., De la Colina, A. N., Karakuzu, A., Duval, T., Desjardins-Crépeau, L., Joubert, S., Bherer, L., Lamarre-Cliche, M., Stikov, N., Cohen-Adad, J., & Girouard, H. (2019, January). Approches en imagerie par résonance magnétique pour l'étude de l'impact de la rigidité artérielle sur la matière blanche du cerveau chez les personnes âgées [Paper]. 27e Congrès scientifique annuel de la Société québécoise d'hypertension artérielle, Québec, Qc. Unavailable
Badji, A., de la Colina, A. N., Sabra, D., Karakuzu, A., Bherer, L., Lamarre-Cliche, M., Stikov, N., Gauthier, C., Cohen-Adad, J., & Girouard, H. (2019, July). Arterial stiffness, cerebral blood flow and white matter integrity in the elderly: an arterial spin labelling and Neurite orientation dispersion and density study [Abstract]. 29th International Symposium on Cerebral Blood Flow, Metabolism and Function / 14th International Conference on Quantification of Brain Function with PET (BRAIN 2019 and BRAIN Pet 2019), Yokohama, JAPAN. Published in Journal of Cerebral Blood Flow and Metabolism, 39(1_suppl). External link
Badji, A., de la Colina, A. N., Sabra, D., Karakuzu, A., Bherer, L., Lamarre-Cliche, M., Stikov, N., Gauthier, C., Cohen-Adad, J., & Girouard, H. (2019, July). The relationship between cognitive function, cortical blood flow and sub-cortical white-matter health in the elderly [Abstract]. 29th International Symposium on Cerebral Blood Flow, Metabolism and Function / 14th International Conference on Quantification of Brain Function with PET (BRAIN 2019 and BRAIN Pet 2019), Yokohama, JAPAN. Published in Journal of Cerebral Blood Flow and Metabolism, 39(1_suppl). External link
de la Colina, A. N., Badji, A., Sabra, D., Karakuzu, A., Joubert, S., Bherer, L., Lamarre-Cliche, M., Gauthier, C., Cohen-Adad, J., & Girouard, H. (2019, July). Augmentation index is a predictor of cerebral blood flow across global grey matter in the elderly [Abstract]. 29th International Symposium on Cerebral Blood Flow, Metabolism and Function / 14th International Conference on Quantification of Brain Function with PET (BRAIN 2019 and BRAIN Pet 2019), Yokohama, JAPAN. Published in Journal of Cerebral Blood Flow and Metabolism, 39(1_suppl). External link
Karakuzu, A., Cohen-Adad, J., Stikov, N., & Yucesoy, C. A. (2019, July). On the reproducibility of MRI-DTI based passeive lenght changes and the added implications of quantitative MRI [Abstract]. 2019 27th ISB Congress and 43rd ASB annual Meeting, Calgary, AB, Canada. Unavailable
Karakuzu, A., Boudreau, M., Duval, T., Leppert, I. R., Cohen-Adad, J., & Stikov, N. (2019, July). qMRLab : an open source software project for streaming quantitative magnetic resonance imaging [Abstract]. 2019 27th ISB Congress and 43rd ASB annual Meeting, Calgary, AB, Canada. Unavailable
Karakuzu, A., Boudreau, M., Duval, T., Leppert, I. R., Boshkovski, T., Cohen-Adad, J., & Stikov, N. (2019, May). The qMRLab workflow : form acquisition to publication [Paper]. ISMRM 27th Annual Meeting & Exhibition, Montréal, Qc. External link
Karakuzu, A., Pernet, C., Duval, T., Cohen-Adad, J., & Stikov, N. (2018, June). A statistical framework for evaluating the reliability of myelin imaging [Paper]. Joint annual meeting ISMRM - ESMRMB, Paris, France. External link