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Documents dont l'auteur est "José-Yacamán, M."

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Nombre de documents: 2

Yang, D.-G., Zhang, G.-X., Sacher, E., José-Yacamán, M., & Elizondo, N. (2006). Evidence of the interaction of evaporated Pt nanoparticles with variously treated surfaces of highly oriented pyrolytic graphite. Journal of Physical Chemistry B, 110(16), 8348-8356. Lien externe

José-Yacamán, M., Gutierrez-Wing, C., Miki, M., Yang, D. Q., Piyakis, K. N., & Sacher, E. (2005). Surface Diffusion and Coalescence of Mobile Metal Nanoparticles. Journal of Physical Chemistry B, 109(19), 9703-9711. Lien externe

Liste produite: Mon Jan 6 04:27:17 2025 EST.