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Bois, G., Guérard, H., & Jenn, E. (2017, June). Using virtual platforms for early architectural exploration : experimentation on an image processing system [Paper]. 54th Design Automation Conference (DAC 2017), Austin, Texas. External link
Jenn, E., Monteiro, F., Bois, G., & Duplantier, K. (2017). Design space exploration : the image based monitoring case. In Modelling and formal verification in action : the INGEQUIP Project Team . Unavailable
Montero, F., Bois, G., Jenn, E., & Duplantier, K. (2016, August). Architectural exploration and implementation of an image processing chain with SpaceStudio [Paper]. 26th International Conference on Field Programmable Logic and Applications (FPL 2016), Lausanne, Switzerland (1 page). External link