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Gervais, F., Jannin, S., Lambert, C. W., Labat, G. M., Crowley, J. L., Kavanagh-Lepage, C., & Moukhsil, A. (2020, October). 3d flow patterns in a heterogenous lower crust : insights form the proterozoic grenville province [Paper]. Geological Society of America annual meeting (GSA 2020). External link
Jannin, S., Gervais, F., Moukhsil, A., Augland, L. E., & Crowley, J. L. (2018). Late Grenvillian deformations in the Parautochthon Belt (Central Grenville Province): geochronological constraints by coupling U-Pb methods of high spatial resolution and high precision. [Déformations tardi-grenvilliennes dans la Ceinture parautochtone (Province de Grenville centrale) : contraintes géochronologiques par couplage de méthodes U/Pb de haute résolution spatiale et de haute précision]. Canadian Journal of Earth Sciences, 55(4), 406-435. External link
Jannin, S., Gervais, F., Moukhsil, A., & Augland, L. E. (2018). Late-Grenvillian channel flow in the central Grenville Province (Manicouagan Reservoir area): New constraints from a structural and geochronological study of the Allochthon Boundary Thrust. Journal of Structural Geology, 115, 132-151. External link
Jannin, S. (2017). Exhumation de la Ceinture parautochtone par fluage chenalisé tardi-grenvillien (réservoir Manicouagan, Province de Grenville central) : identification et rôle de la structuration du socle [Ph.D. thesis, École Polytechnique de Montréal]. Available
Jannin, S., Gervais, F., Moukhsil, A., Crowley, J. L., Augland, L. E., Turlin, F., Andre-Mayer, A.-S., & Vanderhaeghe, O. (2017, August). Linking channel-flow processes to pegmatite potentially mineralized in REE in the central Grenville Province [Paper]. 14th SGA Biennial Meeting, Québec, QC. Unavailable
Labat, G., Gervais, F., Kavanagh-Lepage, C., Jannin, S., & Crowley, J. L. (2020). Ductile nappe extrusion in constrictive strain at the origin of transverse segments of the Allochthon Boundary Thrust in the Manicouagan Imbricate Zone (Central Grenville Province, Québec). Journal of Structural Geology, 138, 20 pages. External link
Turlin, F., Andre-Mayer, A.-S., Crepon, A., Caumon, M.-C., Vanderhaeghe, O., Gervais, F., Jannin, S., Zeh, A., Deloule, E., Moukhsil, A., & Solgadi, F. (2017, August). The Parautochthonous Belt as a source of Grenvillian LREE-rich pegmatitic granite dykes [Paper]. 14th SGA Biennial Meeting, Québec, QC. Unavailable