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Pierre, J., Iervolino, F., Farahani, R. D., Piccirelli, N., Lévesque, M., & Therriault, D. (2023). Material extrusion additive manufacturing of multifunctional sandwich panels with load-bearing and acoustic capabilities for aerospace applications. Additive Manufacturing, 61, 10 pages. External link
Diouf Lewis, A., Farahani, R. D., Iervolino, F., Pierre, J., Abderrafai, Y., Lévesque, M., Piccirelli, N., & Therriault, D. (2022). Design and characterization of carbon fiber-reinforced PEEK/PEI blends for Fused Filament Fabrication additive manufacturing. Materials Today Communications, 31, 103445. Available
Therriault, D., Iervolino, F., Pierre, J., Piccirelli, N., Ross, A., & Costa Baptista, J. (2020). Acoustic panel and associated manufacturing method. [Panneau acoustique et procédé de fabrication associé]. (Patent Application no. CA3084631). External link
Iervolino, F. (2019). Additive Manufacturing of Low and High Temperature Resistant Thermoplastic Composites and Sandwich Panels for Sound Absorption [Master's thesis, Polytechnique Montréal]. Available