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Bassetto, S., Hubac, S., Siadat, A., & Martin, P. (2004). Méthode outillée employant les connaissances d'experts. Revue française de gestion industrielle, 24(1), 1-13. External link
Bassetto, S., Hubac, S., Siadat, A., & Martin, P. (2004, November). A tooled methodology to reduce operational risks [Paper]. IEEE International Conference on Advances in Intelligent Systems - Theory and Applications (IEEE-AISTA), Luxembourg, Netherlands. Unavailable
Mili, A., Hubac, S., Siadat, A., & Bassetto, S. (2008, September). Dynamic management of detected factory events and estimated risks using FMECA [Paper]. 4th IEEE International Conference Management of Innovation and Technology (ICMT 2008), Bangkok, Thailand. External link
Mili, A., Hubac, S., Bassetto, S., & Siadat, A. (2008, July). Risks analyses update based on maintenance events [Paper]. 17th IFAC World Congress, Korea, South. External link
Mili, A., Hubac, S., & Bassetto, S. (2007, April). Industrialization of risk analysis method [Paper]. 8th European Advanced Equipment Control/Advanced Process Control Conference (AEC/APC 2007), Dresden, Germany. Unavailable