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Beland, T., Bradley, C. R., Nelson, J., Sizemore, J. G., Davaran, A., Tremblay, R., Hines, E. M., & Fahnestock, L. A. (2020). Experimental Parametric Characterization of Bolted Angle Connection Behavior. Journal of Structural Engineering, 146(8), 17 pages. External link
Beland, T., Tremblay, R., Hines, E. M., & Fahnestock, L. A. (2020). Full-Scale Cyclic Rotation and Shear-Load Testing of Double Web with Top and Seat Angle Beam-Column Connections. Journal of Structural Engineering, 146(8), 14 pages. External link
Beland, T., Tremblay, R., Hines, E. M., & Fahnestock, L. A. (2020). Rotational Capacity of Bolted Double-Web-Angle Beam-Column Gravity Connections through Full-Scale Experimental Testing. Journal of Structural Engineering (United States), 146(7), 11 pages. External link
Fahnestock, L. A., Hines, E. M., Tremblay, R., Bradley, C., Nelson, J., Beland, T., Davaran, A., & Sizemore, J. (2014, July). Reserve capacity and implications for seismic collapse prevention for low-ductility braced frames in moderate seismic regions [Paper]. 10th U.S. National Conference on Earthquake Engineering: Frontiers of Earthquake Engineering (NCEE 2014), Anchorage, AK, United states. External link