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Moumouni, M. I., Malhamé, R. P., Agbossou, K., Henao, N., Nagarsheth, S. H., & Delcroix, B. (2024). Shrinked-Space Search Method for LVCTs' Parameters Identification. IEEE Transactions on Industrial Electronics, 3355517 (11 pages). External link
Toquica, D., Amara, F., Malhamé, R. P., Agbossou, K., Henao, N., Oviedo, J. C., & Rueda, L. (2023). Risk Analysis of Transactive Energy Retail Markets. IEEE Transactions on Industry Applications, 11 pages. External link
Toquica, D., Agbossou, K., Malhamé, R. P., Henao, N., Kelouwani, S., & Fournier, M. (2022). A Recommender System for Predictive Control of Heating Systems in Economic Demand Response Programs. IEEE Open Journal of Industry Applications, 3, 79-89. External link
Toquica, D., Agbossou, K., Henao, N., Malhamé, R. P., Kelouwani, S., & Amara, F. (2021). Prevision and planning for residential agents in a transactive energy environment. Smart energy, 2, 100019 (12 pages). Available
Toquica, D., Agbossou, K., Henao, N., Malhamé, R. P., Kelouwani, S., & Oviedo-Cepedaz, J. C. (2021, October). Market-Clearing Mechanism for Demand Aggregation at the distribution level through Transactive Energy [Paper]. IEEE Electrical Power and Energy Conference (EPEC 2021), Toronto, ON, Canada. External link
Toquica, D., Agbossou, K., Malhamé, R. P., Henao, N., Kelouwani, S., & Cardenas, A. (2020). Adaptive machine learning for automated modeling of residential prosumer agents. Energies, 13(9), 19 pages. External link
Toquica, D., Agbossou, K., Henao, N., Malhamé, R. P., & Kelouwani, S. (2020, December). Software Architecture for Residential Prosumer Agents in a Transactive Energy System [Paper]. 2020 IEEE PES Transactive Energy Systems Conference (TESC 2020), Portland, OR, USA (5 pages). External link