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Head, M., Magnan, M., Kurz, W. A., Levasseur, A., Beauregard, R., & Margni, M. (2021). Temporally-differentiated biogenic carbon accounting of wood building product life cycles. SN Applied Sciences, 3(1), 62 (17 pages). Available
Head, M., Bernier, P., Levasseur, A., Beauregard, R., & Margni, M. (2021). Corrigendum to "Forestry carbon budget models to improve biogenic carbon accounting in life cycle assessment". Journal of Cleaner Production, 296, 3 pages. External link
Head, M., Levasseur, A., Beauregard, R., & Margni, M. (2020). Dynamic greenhouse gas life cycle inventory and impact profiles of wood used in Canadian buildings. Building and Environment, 173, 106751 (12 pages). External link
Head, M. (2019). Improvement of Biogenic Carbon Accounting in the Life Cycle of Wood used in Construction in Canada [Ph.D. thesis, Polytechnique Montréal]. Available
Head, M., Bernier, P., Levasseur, A., Beauregard, R., & Margni, M. (2019). Forestry carbon budget models to improve biogenic carbon accounting in life cycle assessment. Journal of Cleaner Production, 213, 289-299. External link