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Arjmand, N., Hajihosseinali, M., Shirazi-Adl, A., & Plamondon, A. (2014, July). Effect of Body Weight on Spine Loads in Different Activities: A Detailed Biomechanical Modeling Investigation [Paper]. 7th World Congress of Biomechanics, Boston, Mass.. Unavailable
Hajihosseinali, M., Arjmand, N., & Shirazi-Adl, A. (2015). Effect of body weight on spinal loads in various activities: A personalized biomechanical modeling approach. Journal of Biomechanics, 48(2), 276-282. External link
Hajihosseinali, M., Arjmand, N., Shirazi-Adl, A., Farahmand, F., & Ghiasi, M. S. (2014). A novel stability and kinematics-driven trunk biomechanical model to estimate muscle and spinal forces. Medical Engineering and Physics, 36(10), 1296-1304. External link