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Guiot, S., Tartakovsky, B., Hawari, J., & Lau, P. C. K. (1998, May). Anaerobic/aerobic microbial coupling for the biodegradation of PCB's [Paper]. 1st International Conference on Remediation of Chlorinated and Recalcitrant Compounds, Monterey, California. Unavailable
Guiot, S., Stephenson, R., Frigon, J.-C., & Hawari, J. (1998, June). Single-stage anaerobic/aerobic biotreatment of resin acid-containing wastewater [Paper]. 19th Biennial Conference of the International Association of Water Quality (IAWQ 1998), Vancouver, BC. Published in Water Science and Technology, 38(4-5). External link
Guiot, S., Kuang, X., Beaulieu, C., Corriveau, A., & Hawari, J. Anaerobic and Aerobic Treatment of Tetrachloroethylene [Paper]. 3rd International In Situ and On-Site Bioreclamation Symposium, San Diego, CA, USA. Unavailable
Guiot, S., Frigon, J.-C., Albu-Cimpoia, R., Deschamps, S., Hawari, J., Sanschagrin, S., & Samson, R. Biotreatment of aqueous extracts from naphthalene and chlorobenzene-contaminated soil [Paper]. 3rd International In Situ and On-Site Bioreclamation Symposium, San Diego, CA, USA. Unavailable
Hawari, J., Shen, C. F., Guiot, S., Greer, C. W., Sunahara, G., Rho, D., Ampleman, G., & Thiboutot, S. (1999, March). Bioremediation of Highly Energetic Compounds: a search for remediation technologies [Presentation]. In 1st Arab International Conference and Exhibition on Environmental Biotechnology, Abu Dhabi, United Arab Emirates. Unavailable
Hawari, J., Shen, C. F., Guiot, S., Greer, C. W., Sunahara, G., Rho, D., Ampleman, G., & Thiboutot, S. (1999, March). Bioremediation of Highly Energetic Compounds: a search for remediation technologies [Paper]. 1st Arab International Conference and Exhibition on Environmental Biotechnology, Abu Dhabi, United Arab Emirates. Unavailable
Hawari, J., Shen, C. F., Guiot, S., Greer, C. W., Rho, D., Sunahara, G., Ampleman, G., & Thiboutot, S. (1999, November). Bioremediation of highly energetic compounds: a search for remediation technologies [Paper]. International Conference on Waste Minimisation and End of Pipe Treatment in Chemical and Petrochemical Industries, Merida, Mexico. Unavailable
Hawari, J., Halasz, A., Spencer, B., Shen, C. F., Guiot, S., Greer, C. W., Sunahara, G., Ampleman, G., & Thiboutot, S. (1998, May). Bioremediation of TNT under anaerobic conditions [Paper]. 23rd Annual TTCP Meeting on Environmental Aspects of Energetic Materials, Québec, Québec (10 pages). Unavailable
Hawari, J., Halasz, A., Shen, C. F., Guiot, S., & Greer, C. W. (1997, April). Fate of TNT During Soil Bioremediation: Bioavailability enhancement [Paper]. 4th International In-Situ and On-Site Bioremediation Symposium, New Orleans, Louisiana (1 page). Unavailable
Hawari, J., Greer, C. W., Jones, A. M., Shen, C. F., Guiot, S., Sunahara, G. I., Thiboutot, S., & Ampleman, G. (1996, May). Soil Contaminated With Explosives: A Search For Remediation Technologies [Paper]. 4th International Symposium on Special Topics in Chemical Propulsion, Stockholm, Sweden. Published in International Journal of Energetic Materials and Chemical Propulsion, 4(1-6). External link
Kuang, X., Stephenson, R., Beaulieu, C., Hawari, J., & Guiot, S. (1994, September). Development of anaerobic and aerobic/anaerobic treatment for PCE [Paper]. 4th Annual Symposium On Groundwater and Soil Remediation, Calgary, AB, Canada. Unavailable
Patoine, A., Albu, R., Beaulieu, C., Hawari, J., & Guiot, S. (1994, January). Anaerobic treatment of resin acid-containing effluents: transformation and inhibition [Paper]. 7th International Symposium On Anaerobic digestion, Cape Town, South Africa. Unavailable
Shen, C. F., Guiot, S., Thiboutot, S., Ampleman, G., & Hawari, J. (1998, May). Complete biodegradation of RDX and HMX in anoxic soil slurry bioreactors: laboratory and pilot-scale experiments [Paper]. 6th International FZK/TNO Conference on Contaminated Soil (ConSoil 1998), Edinburgh, Uk. External link
Shen, C. F., Guiot, S., Thiboutot, S., Ampleman, G., & Hawari, J. (1997, April). Bioremediation of Energetic Compounds-Contaminated Soil Using Bioslurry Reactors. [Paper]. 4th International In-Situ and On-Site Bioremediation Symposium, New Orleans, Louisiana. Unavailable
Shen, C. F., Guiot, S., Manuel, M., & Hawari, J. (1995, October). Biotreatment of Explosive Contaminated Soils [Paper]. 5th Annual Symposium on Groundwater and Soil Remediation, Toronto, Canada. Unavailable
Tartakovsky, B., Morel, E., Dansereau, L.-P., Perrier, M., & Guiot, S. (2007, June). Control of an anaerobic mesophilic reactor using periodic temperature variations [Paper]. 8th International Symposium on Dynamics and Control of Process Systems, Cancun, Mexico. External link
Thiboutot, S., Ampleman, G., Greer, C. W., Jones, A. M., Guiot, S., Shen, C. F., Sunahara, G., & Hawari, J. (1996, June). Biotreatability Assessment of Soils Contaminated with RDX and TNT [Paper]. 7th International Annual Conference of ICT, Karlsruhe, Germany (14 pages). Unavailable