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Documents dont l'auteur est "Groeneveld, D. C."

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Aller à : 2005 | 1999 | 1994
Nombre de documents: 3


Leung, L. K. H., Groeneveld, D. C., Teyssedou, A., & Aube, F. (2005). Pressure Drops for Steam and Water Flow in Heated Tubes. Nuclear Engineering and Design, 235(1), 53-65. Lien externe


Olekhnovitch, A., Teyssedou, A., Tapucu, A., Champagne, P., & Groeneveld, D. C. (1999). Critical heat flux in a vertical tube at low and medium pressures. Pt. I. Experimental results. Nuclear Engineering and Design, 193(1-2), 73-89. Lien externe


Aubé, F., Tapucu, A., Teyssedou, A., & Groeneveld, D. C. (juin 1994). The influence of surface heating on frictional pressure drop in single and two-phase flow [Communication écrite]. 34th Annual Conference of the Canadian Nuclear Association and 15th Annual Conference of the Canadian Society, Montréal, Québec. Non disponible

Liste produite: Sun Jan 5 03:46:55 2025 EST.