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Addour, L., Bakhti, Z., Belhocine, D., Grib, H., Lounici, H., Pauss, A., Piron, D.-L., & Mameri, N. (2003). Filtration of zinc ions utilising pretreated Streptomyces rimosus biomass. Journal of Chemical Technology and Biotechnology, 78(12), 1274-1280. External link
Aioueche, F., Lounici, H., Belhocine, D., Grib, H., Piron, D.-L., & Mameri, N. (2000). Electro-activation of granular carbon from olive mill solid residue. Environmental Technology, 21(11), 1215-1221. External link
Abdi, N., Hamadache, F., Belhocine, D., Grib, H., Lounici, H., Piron, D.-L., & Mameri, N. (2000). Enzymatic Saccharification of Solid Residue of Olive Mill in a Batch Reactor. Biochemical Engineering Journal, 6(3), 177-183. External link
Belhocine, D., Grib, H., Abdessmed, D., Comeau, Y., & Mameri, N. (1998). Optimization of Plasma Proteins Concentration by Ultrafiltration. Journal of Membrane Science, 142(2), 159-171. External link
Drouiche, M., Lounici, H., Belhocine, D., Grib, H., Piron, D.-L., & Mameri, N. (2001). Economic Study of the Treatment of Surface Water by Small Ultrafiltration Units. Water S. A., 27(2), 199-204. External link
Grib, H., Persin, M., Gavach, C., Piron, D.-L., Sandeaux, J., & Mameri, N. (2000). Amino Acid Retention With Alumina Gamma Nanofiltration Membrane. Journal of Membrane Science, 172(1-2), 9-17. External link
Lounici, H., Addour, L., Belhocine, D., Grib, H., Nicolas, S., Bariou, B., & Mameri, N. (1997). Study of a New Technique for Fluoride Removal From Water. Desalination, 114(3), 241-251. External link
Mameri, N., Lounici, H., Belhocine, D., Grib, H., Piron, D.-L., & Yahiat, Y. (2001). Defluoridation of Sahara Water by Small Plant Electrocoagulation Using Bipolar Aluminium Electrodes. Separation and Purification Technology, 24(1-2), 113-119. External link
Mameri, N., Hamdache, F., Abdi, N., Belhocine, D., Grib, H., Lounici, H., & Piron, D.-L. (2000). Enzymatic Saccharification of Olive Mill Solid Residue in a Membrane Reactor. Journal of Membrane Science, 178(1-2), 121-130. External link
Mameri, N., Aioueche, F., Belhocine, D., Grib, H., Lounici, H., Piron, D.-L., & Yahiat, Y. (2000). Preparation of Activated Carbon From Olive Mill Solid Residue. Journal of Chemical Technology and Biotechnology, 75(7), 625-631. External link
Mameri, N., Halet, F., Drouiche, M., Grib, H., Lounici, H., Pauss, A., Piron, D.-L., & Belhocine, D. (2000). Treatment of Olive Mill Washing Water by Ultrafiltration. Canadian Journal of Chemical Engineering, 78(3), 590-595. External link
Mameri, N., Boudries, N., Addour, L., Belhocine, D., Lounici, H., Grib, H., & Pauss, A. (1999). Batch Zinc Biosorption by a Bacterial Nonliving Streptomyces Rimosus Biomass. Water Research, 33(6), 1347-1354. External link
Mameri, N., Oussedik, S., Yeddou, R., Piron, D.-L., Belhocine, D., Lounici, H., & Grib, H. (1999). Enhancement of Ultrafiltration Flux by Coupling Static Turbulence Promoter and Electric Field. Separation and Purification Technology, 17(3), 203-211. External link
Oussedik, S., Belhocine, D., Grib, H., Lounici, H., Piron, D.-L., & Mameri, N. (2000). Enhanced Ultrafiltration of Bovine Serum Albumin With Pulsed Electric Field and Fluidized Activated Alumina. Desalination, 127(1), 59-68. External link