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González-Gallardo, C.-E., Pontes, E. L., Sadat, F., & Torres-Moreno, J.-M. (2018). Automated sentence boundary detection in modern standard arabic transcripts using deep neural networks. Procedia Computer Science, 142, 339-346. Available
González-Gallardo, C.-E., Torres-Moreno, J.-M., Montes Rendón, A., & Sierra, G. (2016). Perfilado de autor multilingüe en redes sociales a partir de n-gramas de caracteres y de etiquetas gramaticales. [Social Network Multilingual Author Profiling using character and POS n-grams]. Linguamatica, 8(1), 21-29. External link
Linhares Pontes, E., González-Gallardo, C.-E., Torres-Moreno, J.-M., & Huet, S. (2018, September). Cross-Lingual Speech-to-Text Summarization [Paper]. 11th International Conference on Multimedia and Network Information Systems (MISSI 2018), Wroclaw, Poland. External link
Smaili, K., Fohr, D., González-Gallardo, C.-E., Grega, M., Janowski, L., Jouvet, D., Koźbiał, A., Langlois, D., Leszczuk, M., Mella, O., Menacer, M.-A., Mendez, A., Pontes, E. L., SanJuan, E., Torres-Moreno, J.-M., & Garcia-Zapirain, B. (2019). Summarizing videos into a target language: Methodology, architectures and evaluation. Journal of Intelligent & Fuzzy Systems, 37(6), 7415-7426. External link
Smaili, K., Fohr, D., González-Gallardo, C.-E., Grega, M., Janowski, L., Jouvet, D., Komorowski, A., Koźbiał, A., Langlois, D., Leszczuk, M., Mella, O., Menacer, M. A., Mendez, A., Pontes, E. L., SanJuan, E., Świst, D., Torres-Moreno, J.-M., & Garcia-Zapirain, B. (2018, September). A First Summarization System of a Video in a Target Language [Paper]. 11th International Conference on Multimedia and Network Information Systems (MISSI 2018), Wroclaw, Poland. External link