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Ayotte, E., Massicotte, B., Houde, J., & Gocevski, V. (1997). Modeling the thermal stresses at early ages in a concrete monolith. ACI Materials Journal, 94(6), 577-587. External link
Cherfaoui, A., Nour, A., Gocevski, V., & Léger, P. (2012, September). CANDU 6 reactor building: floor response spectra considering seismic wave incoherency [Paper]. 15th World Conference on Earthquake engineering, Lisbonne, Portugal. External link
Cherfaoui, A., Nour, A., Gocevski, V., & Léger, P. (2012, September). Seismic fragility analyses of a CANDU 6 reactor building nuclear power plant [Paper]. 15th World Conference on Earthquake engineering, Lisbonne, Portugal. External link
Nour, A., Gocevski, V., & Léger, P. (2010, August). Gentilly 2 Nuclear Power Plant : Reactor building floor response spectra using ground motion time histories compatible with median UHS [Paper]. 14th European Conference on Earthquake Engineering, Ohrid, Macedonia. Unavailable