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Nadim, K., Ouali, M.-S., Ghezzaz, H., & Ragab, A. (2023). Learn-to-supervise: Causal reinforcement learning for high-level control in industrial processes. Engineering Applications of Artificial Intelligence, 126, 106853 (29 pages). External link
Ragab, A., Ghezzaz, H., & Amazouz, M. (2022). Decision fusion for reliable fault classification in energy-intensive process industries. Computers in Industry, 138, 13 pages. External link
Soualhi, M., El Koujok, M., Nguyen, K. T. P., Medjaher, K., Ragab, A., Ghezzaz, H., Amazouz, M., & Ouali, M.-S. (2021). Adaptive prognostics in a controlled energy conversion process based on long- and short-term predictors. Applied Energy, 283, 116049 (14 pages). External link
Ragab, A., El Koujok, M., Ghezzaz, H., Amazouz, M., Ouali, M.-S., & Yacout, S. (2019). Deep understanding in industrial processes by complementing human expertise with interpretable patterns of machine learning. Expert Systems With Applications, 122, 388-405. External link
Ghezzaz, H., Pelletier, L., & Stuart, P. R. (2012). Biorefinery implementation for recovery debottlenecking at existing pulp mills - Part I: Potential for debottlenecking. Tappi Journal, 11(7), 17-25. External link
Ghezzaz, H., Pelletier, L., & Stuart, P. R. (2012). Biorefinery implementation for recovery debottlenecking at existing pulp mills, Part II: Techno-economic evaluation. Tappi Journal, 11(8), 17-24. External link
Ghezzaz, H. (2011). Méthode systématique de conception pour comparer les procédés de bioraffinage intégrés dans une usine existante de pâtes et papiers [Master's thesis, École Polytechnique de Montréal]. Available
Ghezzaz, H., & Stuart, P. R. (2011). Biomass availability and process selection for an integrated forest biorefinery. Pulp and Paper Canada, 112(3), 19-26. Unavailable