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Bouchet, M., Gauthier, M., Maire, M., Ajji, A., & Lerouge, S. (2019). Towards compliant small-diameter vascular grafts: Predictive analytical model and experiments. Materials Science and Engineering: C, 100, 715-723. External link
Gancheva, T., Li, Y., Pilon, D., Gauthier, M., Akbarzadeh, A., & Favis, B. D. (2022). Post-extrusion process for the robust preparation of highly uniform multiphase polymeric 3D printing filaments. Polymer Engineering and Science, 62(1), 66-74. External link
Lorre, P., Monet, F., Gauthier, M., Poiffaut, A., Roberge, A., Kadoury, S., & Kashyap, R. (2020, February). Extruded complex optical fiber structures for shape sensing and biomedical applications [Presentation]. In SPIE OPTO 2020, San Francisco, California. External link