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Fattah-Alhosseini, A., Gashti, S. O., & Keshavarz, M. K. (2016). Effect of Film Formation Potential on Passive Behavior of Ultra-Fine-Grained 1050 Al Alloy Fabricated via ARB Process. Journal of Materials Engineering and Performance, 25(4), 1683-1689. External link
Gashti, S. O., Fattah-Alhosseini, A., Mazaheri, Y., & Keshavarz, M. K. (2016). Effects of grain size and dislocation density on strain hardening behavior of ultrafine grained AA1050 processed by accumulative roll bonding. Journal of Alloys and Compounds, 658, 854-861. External link
Gashti, S. O., Fattah-Alhosseini, A., Mazaheri, Y., & Keshavarz, M. K. (2016). Microstructure, mechanical properties and electrochemical behavior of AA1050 processed by accumulative roll bonding (ARB). Journal of Alloys and Compounds, 688, Part, 44-55. External link