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Amiri, S., Di Sarno, L., & Garakaninezhad, A. (2022). Correlation between non-spectral and cumulative-based ground motion intensity measures and demands of structures under mainshock-aftershock seismic sequences considering the effects of incident angles. Structures, 46, 1209-1223. External link
Amiri, S., Di Sarno, L., & Garakaninezhad, A. (2021). On the aftershock polarity to assess residual displacement demands. Soil Dynamics and Earthquake Engineering, 150, 6 pages. External link
Garakaninezhad, A., Amiri, S., & Noroozinejad Farsangi, E. (2023). Effects of Ground Motion Incident Angle on Inelastic Seismic Demands of Skewed Bridges Subjected to Mainshock-Aftershock Sequences. Practice Periodical on Structural Design and Construction, 28(2), 14 pages. External link
Garakaninezhad, A., & Amiri, S. (2022). Inelastic acceleration ratio of structures under pulse-like earthquake ground motions. Structures, 44, 1799-1810. External link