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Autixier, L., Mailhot, A., Bolduc, S., Madoux-Humery, A.-S., Galarneau, M., Prévost, M., & Dorner, S. (2014). Evaluating rain gardens as a method to reduce the impact of sewer overflows in sources of drinking water. Science of The Total Environment, 499(1), 238-247. Lien externe
Galarneau, M., Leconte, R., Brissette, F., Pultz, T. J., & Rousselle, J. (avril 2000). Utilization of Radarsat in integrated catchment management [Communication écrite]. Remote sensing and hydrology, Santa Fe, NM. Publié dans IAHS-AISH publication, (267). Non disponible
Galarneau, M. (2000). Évaluation de l'humidité du sol à l'échelle régionale à l'aide de l'imagerie satellitaire radarsat [Mémoire de maîtrise, École Polytechnique de Montréal]. Disponible
Jalliffier-Verne, I., Leconte, R., Huaringa-Alvarez, U., Heniche, M., Madoux-Humery, A.-S., Autixier, L., Galarneau, M., Servais, P., Prévost, M., & Dorner, S. (2017). Modelling the impacts of global change on concentrations of Escherichia coli in an urban river. Advances in Water Resources, 108, 450-460. Lien externe
Jalliffier-Verne, I., Heniche, M., Madoux-Humery, A.-S., Galarneau, M., Servais, P., Prévost, M., & Dorner, S. (2016). Cumulative effects of fecal contamination from combined sewer overflows: Management for source water protection. Journal of Environmental Management, 174, 62-70. Lien externe
Jalliffier-Verne, I., Leconte, R., Huaringa-Alvarez, U., Madoux-Humery, A.-S., Galarneau, M., Servais, P., Prévost, M., & Dorner, S. (2015). Impacts of global change on the concentrations and dilution of combined sewer overflows in a drinking water source. Science of The Total Environment, 508, 462-476. Lien externe
Leconte, R., Brissette, F., Galarneau, M., & Rousselle, J. (2004). Mapping Near-Surface Soil Moisture With Radarsat-1 Synthetic Aperture Radar Data. Water Resources Research, 40(1), WO1515, 13-WO1515, 13. Lien externe
Madoux-Humery, A.-S., Dorner, S., Sauvé, S., Aboulfadl, K., Galarneau, M., Servais, P., & Prévost, M. (2016). The effects of combined sewer overflow events on riverine sources of drinking water. Water Research, 92, 218-227. Lien externe
Madoux-Humery, A.-S., Dorner, S., Sauvé, S., Aboulfadl, K., Galarneau, M., Servais, P., & Prévost, M. (2015). Temporal analysis of E-coli, TSS and wastewater micropollutant loads from combined sewer overflows: implications for management. Environmental Science-Processes & Impacts, 17(5), 965-974. Lien externe
Madoux-Humery, A.-S., Dorner, S., Sauve, S., Aboulfadl, K., Galarneau, M., Servais, P., & Prévost, M. (2013). Temporal variability of combined sewer overflow contaminants: Evaluation of wastewater micropollutants as tracers of fecal contamination. Water Research, 47(13), 4370-4382. Lien externe
Pongmala, K., Autixier, L., Madoux-Humery, A.-S., Fuamba, M., Galarneau, M., Sauvé, S., Prévost, M., & Dorner, S. (2015). Modelling total suspended solids, E. coli and carbamazepine, a tracer of wastewater contamination from combined sewer overflows. Journal of Hydrology, 531(Part 3), 830-839. Lien externe